Monday, November 26, 2012

My Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Going Natural

If you ever considered doing the "Big Chop"but haven't gotten the courage to do it just yet, here are my "Top 5 Reasons" why you should:


       Before going natural, for me was the same routine with my relaxed hair. I would either put it up in a ponytail or use the curling iron to bump my hair. Can we say "boring". Not only was I not versatile with my hair, using the curling iron every other morning or sometimes every morning was damaging to my hair. Going natural actually brought out a creative side that I never knew I had. I was never the hair styling type. Once I gotten some length to my hair I started to experiment with different styles and simple techniques that wouldn't take up plenty of my time. Even if your not sure about what styles you can do to your hair or need some inspiration, here are some YouTube channels that gives great tutorials on different styles that I love.



     You can finally say NO to that hair killing relaxer. Relaxers imply that its purpose is to make hair less tangled and also easier to manage. Although that is true, when you relax your hair you are also "cooking" the hair, which significantly weakens the hair by excessive applications or by a single excessive one, leading to brittleness, breakage, or even in some cases alopecia. Not only does relaxer alter your natural hair texture, it also strips away your hair's natural oils. I always wondered why my Obstetrician said to me during my two pregnancies not to relax my hair. The reason being that the main chemical which is called Ammonium thioglycolate which is a fancy term for "Acid" that is going into the hair follicle, through your pores, and into your bloodstream. Let's not forget, if left on your head to long, it burns your scalp ladies. "No Bueno" if you ask me.


    Needless to say we know that excessive heat is damaging to the hair. The curling irons, to blow dryers, to flat irons and the list goes on. What I notice with my hair is that the less I apply heat, the more healthier my hair feels and looks. It also prevents the hair from thinning out. The less damage to your hair, the stronger it becomes. Not to mention the natural oils that will stay in your hair due to non-chemicals  which will lead to healthy hair growth.


     We all know the economy is struggling, all the more reason to save as much money as you can. With a mortgage, car, two kids, and other bills my expenses are up there. As women, we want to maintain our beauty and also be pampered, you know the routine on the weekends; hair, mani and pedi. I would spend $20-$25 on a wash and set every week. If I needed a relaxer that was $50 which I would get every two to three months. I would spend $960 only on wash and sets for the year, plus another $300 for relaxers. I would spend an average of $1,260 on my hair for a year. I'm happy to say that now I've saved $2,520 for the past two years now.  I wash and style my hair on my own. Hair products that I use for my natural hair range from $5- $40. Products usually last me up to four months. You do the math!


    I must say that being on this journey has opened my eyes to bigger and better things. I have more confidence not just by my appearance, but my thought process has changed as well. Going on this journey has made me focus not only on my hair but my body as well. I came to the realization that anything processed is not healthy for you. As ethnic woman we come in all shapes,sizes and colors and we need to embrace our natural beauty and show the world that we will not submerge to the "stereotype" of what a woman needs to look like. Embrace your God given beauty ladies. At the end of the day it can not be taken away....its 100% Natural and its a 100% You!

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