Monday, May 13, 2013

Five Ways to Never Be Stressed Again

Ladies we all know that Stress is a "killer". Its something that we have to deal with in our daily lives. Don't be a victim.... Here is some information on 5 Ways to Never be Stressed Again!

Everybody feels stress and knows it intimately, but very few of us think about what stress actually is.

Stress is a thought. That's it. No more, no less. If that's true, then we have complete control over stress, because it's not something that happens to us but something that happens in us.
The dictionary definition of stress is, "bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium." It is your thoughts out of balance.
The medical definition of stress is, "the perception of a real or imagined threat to your body or your ego."
Whether it is real or imagined, when you perceive something as stressful, it creates the same response in the body.
A cascade of adrenaline, cortisol, and other stress hormones floods your system, raising your heart rate, increasing your blood pressure, making your blood more likely to clot, damaging your brain's memory center, increasing belly fat storage, and generally wreaking havoc on your body.

Each of us has to find out how to make our own U-turn. There are some wonderful ways that have been discovered that can work very well for anyone!
Here's how to make those U-turns (and I try to pick one or more each day):
  1. Move. The best way to burn off the stress hormones without having to change your thinking is to move and sweat. Run, dance, jump, ride, swim, stretch, or skip -- do something vigorous and lively. Yoga is also fabulous, as it combines movement and breathing.
  2. Breathe. Most of us hold our breath often or breathe shallow, anxious breaths. Deep, slow, full breaths have a profound affect on resetting the stress response, because the relaxation nerve (or vagus nerve) goes through your diaphragm and is activated with every deep breath. Take five deep breaths now, and observe how differently you feel after.
  3. Bathe. For the lazy among us (including me), an UltraBath is a secret weapon against stress. Add two cups of Epsom salt (which contains magnesium, the relaxation mineral), a half-cup of baking soda, and 10 drops of lavender oil (which lowers cortisol) to a very hot bath. Then, add one stressed human and soak for 20 minutes. Guaranteed to induce relaxation.
  4. Sleep. Lack of sleep increases stress hormones. Get your eight hours no matter what. Take a nap if you missed your sleep. Prioritize sleep.
  5. Think Differently. Practice the art of noticing stress, noticing how your thinking makes you stressed. Practice taking deep breaths and letting go of worry. Try Byron Katie's four questions to break the cycle of "stinkin' thinkin'" that keeps you stressed.
*I would also like to include "MEDITATION" has helped me tremendously throughout life's hectic and stressful moments. In conclusion...the "MIND" is truly a powerful thing. Utilized it for the better and always remember...if you think positive your outcomes will be positive*

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