Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tips On How To Save Your Hair During A Workout

Believe it or not ladies...1 out of 3 black women would rather not workout just so they could prevent their hair from getting wet. Now I won't judge...why? Because we do spend time and money on our hair and for my relaxed girls I know getting your hair wet or damp is the last thing you want to do.... Well you can finally stop letting your hair disrupt your health and body ladies.....

         Tips On How To Save Your Hair During A Workout(Natural and Relaxed Hair)

  • Limit the amount of times you shampoo your hair ladies. Believe it or not too much sweat dries out your hair and can be damaging to your hair. For my natural hair girls leave in conditioners and a rinse and condition regimen(co-washing) is ideal. For my relaxed girls, find a dry shampoo that you can used for your hair. Make sure that its sulfate free!

  • Don't be afraid to use Head bands or Head scarfs. Head bands are great to use and can keep your long locs or short bangs from falling unto your forehead when you are working out and sweating. Head scarfs can be essential for holding up and protecting your entire hair do. Cotton head scarfs actually absorb sweat from your forehead and behind your ears. Silk head scarfs are not ideal for working out. They are not as absorbent and will not last for long.

  • Pull it up ladies! In your gym bag make sure you carry the essentials such as, bobby pins, head bands, scrungies, etc.... Before your workout make sure your pin your hair up. Don't let your hair down until your head has become dry. 

  • Moisturizing your scalp and edges with oils can actually lock moisture in your hair before you workout. The oil will help repel some of the sweat during your workout that can dry out your scalp and hair. Coconut oil and Jojoba oil's are great!

  • Keep it cool ladies! If possible try to workout in a cooler environment/climate. If you can, try to do an outdoor workout or cardio in cooler weather in the mornings or evenings when its not so warm or humid out. Also during an indoor workout(at home/gym) don't be afraid to go by or under a fan or AC to prevent yourself from sweating more.

  • Last but not least....know when to go hard with your workout. Not all workouts will leave you drenching with sweat. For example, when I do Zumba I sweat more than I  would when I do weight training or other forms of exercises. Come up with a routine or schedule for your workouts so you can maintain your hair do. For example, If you do or get your hair done every Saturday, Monday thru Wednesday you might want to do a less intense workout routine. Towards the end of the week you can go HAM and have no regrets.

I hope this information helps and inspires more women to start or continue working out on a regular basis without worrying about messing up your hair. Remember ladies, you can still keep that body tight, while keeping your hair do right!

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