Thursday, October 24, 2013

Watch Out for The 41 Sneaky Names For Sugar

Good day ladies, today I wanted to inform you about the many sneaky names for Sugar. Many of us don't know how important it is to maintain your sugar intake. It's essential for weight loss and too much Sugar can cause anything from bad acne issues, to developing yeast inside the body and much more. If you have been wanting to detox or cleanse your body as of late or even try to cut done/ limit your sugar intake....keep on reading. What many don't know is that Added Sugar lurks our local supermarkets and even in health food stores. Whether you are doing a cleanse, clearing up your skin, growing your energy, or reducing your pain, cutting down on your sugar intake will aide. So the next time you are in the market, take a second look at the ingredients on the food labels.

Here are 41 names for sugar you should keep an eye out for:

  1. Agave nectar
  2. Barley malt
  3. Beet sugar
  4. Black strap molasses
  5. Brown rice syrup
  6. Brown sugar
  7. Cane sugar
  8. Caramel
  9. Carob syrup
  10. Coconut palm sugar
  11. Corn sweetener
  12. Corn syrup
  13. Corn-syrup solids
  14. Crystalline fructose
  15. Date sugar
  16. Dehydrated cane juice
  17. Dextrin
  18. Dextrose
  19. Dried oat syrup
  20. Evaporated can juice crystals
  21. Evaporated cane juice
  22. Fruit juice concentrate
  23. Glucose
  24. Golden syrup
  25. Gum syrup
  26. High-fructose corn syrup
  27. Honey
  28. Inverted sugar
  29. Malt syrup
  30. Maltodextrin
  31. Maltose
  32. Maple syrup
  33. Muscavado
  34. Palm sugar
  35. Refiner's syrup
  36. Simple syrup
  37. Sorghum syrup
  38. Sucanat
  39. Sucrose 
  40. Treacle
  41. Turbinado
There are a few names on this list that are "NATURAL SWEETENERS" and also have some healthy benefits. Black Molasses contains a good amount of Iron,  Raw Honey offer enzymes and antioxidants, and Agave Nectar is a low-glycemic sweetener, includes ginseng, and also has anti-inflammatory and immune system-boosting properties. These three sugars you keep at the top of your list because they offer more nutrition than refined white crystal sugar. So next time your food shopping just be aware of how many different kinds of sugar is in the produce your about to purchase. Always remember that too much of anything isn't good, so monitor your sugar intake ladies!

Hope this information helps...don't forget to check us out on our Facebook page. Don't forget to add me to Google +. Feel free to comment below!


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