Monday, October 14, 2013

Seven Tips to Revitalize Yourself

Hey ladies, have you been feeling a bit low on energy lately? Here are some quick and helpful tips to get you up, out and about!

What most people don't know is that our energy levels are linked to our everyday choices. What many don't know is that the amount of energy you have directly correlates to the choices you make on a daily basis.  We all have the choice to either create energy or take it away. If you are feeling tired, maybe its time to review the choices your have been making.

Here are some helpful things that you can do to start re-energizing yourself:

Over thinking and worrying about daily problems in your life drains your energy levels. Stress will leave you exhausted and not feeling well. You can start by checking in on your mental activity. Try not to involve yourself in crowded or loud environments if possible. Also try daily meditation to help clear your mind

In this world of social media, and for some of us who must respond to emails, phone calls, texts, tweets, and Facebook, we don't realize how fast we burn out. The world was functioning fine before all this social media came about. If you can avoid answering emails for an hour or so. You could even turn your phone off or put it on silence for a few hours to so you can re charge your own batteries and be able to work efficiently.

Being a people pleaser is one of the fastest ways to burn yourself out. If you are constantly saying yes to everyone then you leave little energy reserved for your own life. Its ok to be honest and say no when you don't have the time to help others. Your friends and family will still love you and understand. 

Sleep is essential for strong energy levels. You must get good-quality sleep. Many people struggle getting good rest because they are up late thinking about the following day, on social media, watching t.v, etc. Your body needs to shut down to enter your natural sleep cycle. Try to relax your body and mind a few minutes before. Get rid of negative thoughts and think about how good you will feel the next morning with the great rest you will get.

A healthy diet is crucial if you want high energy levels. What you put what you get out I always say. Its fine to cheat every now and then but what you eat on a daily basis has a huge impact on the amount of energy you will have. Try changing your breakfast options. Its the first meal you will put inside of your body. For example instead of waffles and sausage...try a bowl of fruit or oatmeal and you will notice a difference.

Exercise is a basic way to ensure your body is fit and healthy enough to meet the day head on. Even if its a 10-15 minute jog. You will feel a difference in your energy level. Even if you find that you don't have any time during your day to get a workout in, For example instead of taking the elevator at work, try taking the stairs. It will get your heart pumping and give you a bit of an energy boost to start the day!

With our busy schedules and other people's demands, often times we forget about ourselves. Your body is like a needs fuel regularly to keep going, otherwise it will break down. Make sure you take time to rest. Treat yourself to a mani and pedi...get a massage...go out with girls and have fun. Do anything that helps you unwind and relax.

*Hope these tips are helpful...don't forget to check out our Facebook page and don't forget to add me on Google +*

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