Monday, December 9, 2013

Benefits Of Kissing and The Top Reasons Why You Should

So ladies and gents.... We all have a favorite reasons for kissing. You will have the kiss that makes you smile...the kiss that heats up your body...and also the kiss that sends your heart and soul into another realm. You will be surprised how kissing can affect your physical, emotional, and mental health. Philematologists(Kiss Scientists) have discovered a wide range of benefits of kissing. And they are....

  • Kissing lowers Stress
It decreases the stress hormone cortisol and increases serotonin levels in the brain. Kissing has also been measured to lower anxiety and has similar benefits to meditation.

  • Kissing makes us Happier
It improves our mood by increasing endorphins, which are our feel good hormones.

  • Kissing keeps us Healthy
It improves our immunity by releasing antibodies that kill bacteria. And kissing helps us prevent cavities by increasing saliva that washes our teeth. It has also been shown that our saliva secretes natural antibiotics when we kiss. 

  • Kissing calms us down and promotes pleasure
It increases levels of oxytocin otherwise known as the "love hormone" which calms us. Kissing also reduces pain through our saliva which contains a kind of anesthetic and increases pleasure by releasing dopamine.

  • Kissing strengthens our Relationships
It promotes togetherness and couples who kiss regularly live five years longer than those who don't.

Top 10 Reasons To Kiss:

  1. Lowers blood pressure
  2. Decreases cortisol stress hormone
  3. Increases seratonin
  4. Reduces pain
  5. Increases oxytocin
  6. Improves immunity
  7. Fights off cavities
  8. Increases dopamine
  9. Improves mood
  10. Lowers anxiety
So there you have it people, having a bad day, feeling stress, or feeling like you need to calm down....start exchanging lips! We all have our reasons for kissing our significant other... but my utmost favorite reason is that "A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time"

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