Monday, April 7, 2014

Reasons Why You Should Follow Your Heart

 Last year I read a phrase that stated "Less ego. More heart." At the time I read it I never truly understood the meaning behind it. After going thru a breakdown and then having my spiritual awakening it made me realize that there is so much more to life than striving, achieving, and fighting for worthiness.

One of the most powerful ways to tame your ego and overcome the voices in your head that says, I'm not good enough, or trying to prove yourself to the world saying to yourself you "should", "must", and "ought tos" is to listen to your heart instead. I have not been the most logical of people. I always followed my heart but didn't analyze that my ego would often intervene. In your heart you are not your work, you are not your bank account balance, or your car . When you listen to your heart, you don't become preoccupied with success and status, materialism, and jealousy, or power and pride. What I have learned and also felt is when you follow your heart, you find your peace, you ignite your passion, and you discover your purpose.

Reasons Why You Should Follow Your Heart

  • To Connect
         The ego often gets in the way of true connections with other people. It is our ego that gets in the way of our saying the important things, like, "I'm sorry, "I miss you", "I love you." So when we let go of our ego, let people into our hearts, and begin to share our vulnerabilities, our fears, our authentic selves, we create space for others to do the same. When we embrace our flaws and imperfections, we realize that we aren't alone, and we begin to connect on a level that is impossible to feel just with our eyes, or ears, or ego. We connect on a level that we must feel it with our hearts.

  • To Find Our True Path
       The heart has reasons that reason cannot understand. It has reasons that the mind cannot understand. And it has reasons that society, friends, and even ourselves cannot fully understand. But if we don't follow our hearts, we will often spend the rest of our lives wishing that we did. Our passions those moments, experiences, and people that feed our soul and make our hearts beat, don't just go away if we don't follow them. They fester and eat away our worthiness. Follow your passions, find your true path, then follow it with all your heart.

  • To Allow Yourself To Heal
       Hurt happens. But so does healing. You can't always think your way out of pain and confusion. Sometimes, the best answers come to a relaxed mind and a heart that's in tune with the universe. We often don't tune in to our hearts because that's where our pain is stored. But when we're brave enough to live life from our heart, not only do we allow our own wounds to heal, but, by sharing our stories, we can touch and heal people's souls.

  • To Love Oneself
        To love ourselves totally different from massaging our own ego. Ego judges and punishes. Love forgives and heals. Your ego will tell you you're not enough. Your heart will tell you you're more than enough. By following our heart and loving ourselves through the ups and downs of life, we learn that we are worthy of love and deserve ti feel loved. Without being able to love yourself, it is very difficult to share that love with anyone else. Self-love is not optional. It's a necessity.

  • To Love Others
        One rule when it comes to love is that you should never settle for less. When your ego is in control and all you're assessing in a partner is looks, financial security, and social status, you miss out on the energy that can only be felt between two souls at the level of the heart. If, in the past, we have been in a rough relationship or through a bad breakup, then we often close our hearts off for fear of being hurt. It takes courage to let your guard down and truly follow your heart. Live with and open heart because you never know who might fall in it. 

 In conclusion if you are seeking for the unanswered questions in your life, trying to make amends with a love one, or even trying to find that fulfillment that you feel that is missing in your life, try putting your ego aside and follow your heart. It will never lead you astray. If the people in this world and society followed their hearts more rather than ego, to me the world would be a much happier place.

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