Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fight The Bloat: Ways to Decrease Bloating

I wanted to share some tips on how to fight bloating. Bloating may not be a very high-risk health issue, but is a common issue among many women, myself included. I've struggled with excessive bloating at times, but have found ways to fight bloating:

     High fiber foods are an excellent source to fight bloating. Some high fiber foods can actually contribute to gas and bloating be aware, for explain broccoli and beans. There are a few foods that I can incorporate to my healthy eating and also gets rid of the bloat. Oatmeal is a great high fiber food. Not only is it a great source of fiber, it has powerful cholesterol lowering effects. It also contributes to boosting your immune system as well. A cup of oatmeal in the morning with some raspberries and apples is a great breakfast to fight bloating. Raspberries are full of fiber and is a great anti-antioxidant. Apples are full of fiber as well. Please note that the skin of the apple contains the fiber so don't peel it off.
Whole-Wheat Pasta is another source of fiber. You can add it to your lunch or dinner. Of course too much of anything isn't good. I usually eat only 1-2oz of whole-wheat pasta. If your a pasta lover like I am, it's a great way to introduce more fiber into your diet than the traditional pasta. Avocado is another excellent source of fiber. Just two tablespoons of avocado contains 2 grams of fiber. The entire fruit itself contains 10 grams of fiber. I make a special guacamole recipe and if I feel for a snack, I'll take a few whole wheat crackers and dig in.
*If you would like to get my special guacamole recipe feel free to email me at rhonda.neysmith@gmail.com*


   For all my tea lovers out there, peppermint and chamomile tea are great for fighting bloating and gas. Both are very beneficial for your digestive system and also helps alleviate problems like bloating stomach gas and flatulence. Peppermint has relaxant properties that help relieve spasms in the digestive tract. Chamomile has been known to solve numerous stomach problems such as heartburn and stomach pain. It also helps to soothe and relax. During these cold winter months, this is a great way to warm up and also fight the bloat. I prefer to drink either tea after a meal. You have the option of drinking any tea before your meal or when you just feel for a warm cup of goodness.


    Maintaining a healthy colon contributes so much to decrease bloating. If I'm feeling a little backed up or after I have my cheat day. I tend to make a great juice recipe that is excellent for colon health:

                    When Ya Gotta Go Juice
  •  4 medium sized Carrots or 2 Large Carrots
  •  1 Apple 
  •  1/2 of a Lemon                            
    Carrots and apples are an excellent source of fiber and aide to the cleansing of the colon. Lemons are the most affective method for cleansing the colon. Lemons can easily dissolve and remove  waste from all the organs of the body and at the same time can bring in vitamins. It tastes great and your bowel movements will flow much easier.

*If you have any questions feel free to contact me at rhonda.neysmith@gmail.com*                  


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