Monday, January 20, 2014

Emotional Bank Accounts and How to Balance Them

Hey Ladies, so today's blog is how to understand and manage your Emotional Bank Account. Now some of you may be wondering what am I talking about. Well let me explain….

Even the most resilient and optimistic of us wake up some mornings and feel like all the life has been sucked from our hearts. Most often, this happens when we are dealing with long-term, stressful situation like issues around finances or difficulties in a relationship. It can also happen to us when we are offering serious emotional support to friends or relatives. Suddenly we find we are the ones feeling lost and down and we don't know why.

So here's the thing: We, all of us, have emotional bank accounts. The love we receive from others, the laughter shared with friends, the time we get to spend on hobbies we love and even the care we give ourselves pay in to that bank account.

The Strength To Keep Going

Most of us dip into our accounts on a daily basis. It's the place we go to when we need to find a smile for a difficult customer, or when we realize that deadline is looming and we have to cancel dinner reservations or someone we care about needs a shoulder to cry on. For the most part, we don't even recognize when we are doing it. This is partly because those small incidents in life pass and what you took out of the account quite quickly gets replaced by a hug from someone we love, an extra- long bubble bath or relaxing with a close friend. We dip into that emotional bank account and find the strength to keep going and most difficulties pass and we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move forward.

Keep Paying In

However, we sometimes hit difficulties that are not over in a matter of days. Sometimes relationships start to crumble or become unhealthy. Sometimes a job is lost and finances start to spiral. Or someone we love becomes ill and needs our care. At times like these, we dig in a little deeper to our emotional "savings" to get us through. It is at times like these that we need to find a way to keep paying in. No matter how difficult the situation, we have to find time to step back from it and take a breath. We have to take the time to not just deal with the crisis but live, because frankly, if your don't, what are you getting through the crisis for?

An Emotional Black Hole

If your entire life becomes the problem and you let friends and the things you love fall to the wayside and you don't give yourself some TLC, then one morning you'll wake up consumed by an emotional black hole. You will be left feeling exhausted, empty and tired. The best way to ensure this doesn't happen is to tell someone as soon as a crisis raises it's head. Share your worries and your fears. Allow other to help keep your emotional account topped up and don't give up on the things you love. Still find time to read, watch your favorite show or have that glass of wine at the end of the day. Try, even though it is hard. Remember that you are struggling through something, not with something and you're struggling through to reach something better at the other side. Don't loose sight of that. And if you see someone in crisis, don't let them go into the red. Pay something into their emotional banks. You'll be paying if forward to another human being in the most useful way possible.

I hope that you enjoyed this topic and that clarity was given regarding your emotional bank account. So ladies remember that what you give out…you must put back in. Be balanced, keep a positive attitude, and do what you must to bring that emotional bank account out of the negative.

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