Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Wonderful Benefits of Frankincense

Good day ladies, today I would like to bring you some amazing information on this herbal plant that is used for many things such as healing the body and mind. Stay tuned.......


Frankincense is known as an aromatic resin and also as an essential oil. Frankincense comes from the trees of Boswellia in Somalia. This herbal plant has been around for centuries and the uses for Frankincense are so beneficial and amazing. Frankincense is also used in incenses and perfumes. Another word for Frankincense is Olibanum. As soon as you smell the warm rich, sweet woody scent of Frankincense, its easy to understand how special this plant truly. Both as a resin or essential oil, frankincense is opening and relaxing for both the body and mind.


  • Anti-septic
  • Disinfectant
  • Carminative(helps relieve gas)
  • Cicatrisant( helps heal scar tissue)
  • Cytophylactic( helps with skin care and aging)
  • Helps the Digestive System
  • Diuretic( helps with unneeded  water in the body)
  • Emenagogue( helps with blood flow in pelvic area and uterus)
  • Expectorant
  • Sedative
  • Tonic
  • Vulnerary( helps with healing wounds)


Frankincense has plenty of uses.

Fundamentally, it promotes calmness, serenity and relaxation. These indications will always be present, no matter how frankincense is used, and for what its used for.

Skin Care

Frankincense essential oil is great for skin care and nearly everything related to skin; burns, rashes, cuts, scrapes, and oozing sores. It’s also fabulous for mature, prematurely aging, and environmentally challenged skin. Feel free to add a few drops to your liquid soaps, daily lotions, or shower gels. Also if you make your own body butters or creams you can add a few drops of frankincense. It can also be used as a toner or refresher when mixed with pure water.

In The Shower

Just add a few drops to your washcloth and run it over yourself during your final (hot water) rinse. The steam will infuse with frankincense and you will enjoy a quick and intense frankincense steam bath. refreshing and relaxing at the same time!

As a Facial Steam

Frankincense is a great mini-facial. Just take a pot or pan of boiling water, add a drop or two (no more) frankincense oil to it. Lean over it and cover your head with a towel, breathing deeply.  You can also try one drop frankincense and one drop lavender.

For Lung Support & During Yoga

The best ways are by inhalation, or massage of head and neck, breathing in deeply. You can even just put a few drops in your palm, rub your hands together, and breathe the oil directly from them. This is great to do before or after yoga, particularly during pranayama. The experience will calm you, centering your energy and elevate your spirit even as it connects you to the earth. You will be able to give more presence to your yoga practice, and concentrate more fully on your breathing through each asana.


It’s the same as listed above. Whether your meditation is sitting, standing, walking, yogic or even very active, such as martial arts, frankincense will enable you to deepen the experience and aid your focus so that you benefit as much as possible from your practice, whatever it is. Just take a few drops on your palms, rub them together, breathe in deeply, and enjoy.

Joint and Muscle Pain

Frankincense can help both of these conditions. Just add it to your mix of oils, and that mix will depend on what you are mixing for. If you are a beginner mixing for yourself, consult an aromatherapy book, or have your blend done professionally. The practical application of this will depend on where you live. Frankincense will always be a valuable addition to your blend. In addition to its anti-inflammatory property, it will calm, soothe and relax you. 

Eating It

As far as eating Frankincense there are stores online that sell the Frankincense Raw Powder. Check out this website for more information:


My Uses for Frankincense
As you can see Frankincense can be used in many different ways and has so many benefits. I have been currently using Frankincence essential oil for my body and also for aromatherapy. I have added Frankincense oil to my homemade body butter. I have also use Frankincense during my Kundalini Yoga sessions and during mediation. So far I love it and I will keep using it. As far as my aromatherapy use I purchased some Frankincense oil from the Vitamin Shoppe. I use a Tealight Oil Warmer...see the pictures below. Then I got the Frankincense essential oil off of which I use for my body butter. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below. Hope you enjoyed this blog!

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