Monday, March 14, 2016

It's Not A Man's World....Happy Women's History Month Dedication!

Hello Ladies, and Happy Women's History Month. This month's blog is being dedicated to all of the strong, beautiful, determined, and high spirited women out there. The women who plays many roles and most times don't get the credit she deserves. The women who no matter how many times she gets knocked down, she picks herself back up and keeps going. Yes many don't like to acknowledged how important a woman's role is in this world, I'm here to let you know how important we are. They say this is a man's world, but I beg to differ. Women are the foundation of this great nation, and to all my ladies out there don't forget how important you are. This blog is to help motivate and inspire letting you know that your not alone. The struggles may always be around but always remember.." A successful woman is one who can build a strong foundation with the bricks others have thrown at Her".

As Women With Tight Curves And Kinky Curls celebrates Women's History Month, we display the beautiful and hardworking accomplishments of everyday women. These women being featured have shown that you can accomplish anything you put your mind too, as they will tell you how they accomplished their dreams, what inspired them, why they think women empowerment is important, and how they help their communities in doing so...Enjoy!

Lydia Christian, Owner Of Chic Perla

    I began my company June of 2015 and its a line of beaded jewelry and Shea/Mango Butter for body and hands

My inspiration was at the time my 5 year old daughter.  I couldn't find jewelry that was for everyday wear and for every outfit.  She was the one who came up with the idea of us making our own pieces and from there we kept going.  The Shea butters were my idea because as women would try on my pieces, I noticed dry hands, lol!! I make crème for my daughter Maya because she has eczema and lotions just don't work.  I make a blend of Shea, Mango and Aloe Butters with different oils to hydrate the skin and keep it moist.  What keeps me going is the love for the craft!!

The empowerment of women is important to me because we as women need to stick together and uplift each other.  Women tend to be so catty and non-supportive that bringing awareness that we can all be great is very important.  Even if two women make or do the same thing, its not the same!!

 My services help the community because it shows that an everyday woman can come up with an idea and make it happen on little money.  Some get the impression that you need a ton of money to start your own company but in all actuality all you need is support and a great idea.  My products are for the whole family.  I have not purchased lotion for my household in over a year.  We use my products and so does my family and close friends.  The crème soufflé is for all skin types.  Family and Friends noticed the difference in their skin immediately after just a couple of uses.

You can check our her website at
Instagram: Chic_Perla
Facebook: Chic Perla

Aquira Greene, Author of "No Injections Needed"

                        My name is Aquira Greene, I am 27 years young. I’ve always had a entrepreneurial spirit as a young girl. When I was about 15 years of age I started my own babysitting club with a old friend of mine. That’s when I knew that I wanted to never work for anyone because of the way I felt being my own boss. I am currently in an amazing network marketing company that helps me to gain financial freedom while traveling the world with my son. I’ve been on about 8 vacations in the past 3 years. I am a new recent self published author and the name of my book is called “No injections Needed”. My book was inspired by the bullying I endured  because of having full lips as a child. As a black woman our features aren’t recognized until someone of another ethnic group goes and pays for it. For example Kyile Jenner went out and brought some fuller lips and supposedly made full lips trendy. So I decided to write a book about my experiences and I will use this platform as an author to uplift women in my community.

My purpose of this book is to uplift & encourage every  young adult or woman that is currently dealing with or has experienced some of the same issues I have. If there is  one thing that I want you to keep in mind when you are on your journey searching your own beauty would be that we all have some things that we might want to change. We all have insecurities. Society may never accept or acknowledge your beauty however, you must know that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you. You should always have confidence to stand  up and say this is my super power and I have the features that people pay thousands of dollars to have today.

 What keeps me going is knowing that we are not here on this earth plane forever. It is important to me to leave my mark and be who I am destined to be and be a positive light in the world we live in today.

Women empowerment is very important to me because being a  woman is not easy. You have to be a wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter and sometimes bread winner. You have to do all these things all the while keeping yourself up spiritually, mentally and psychically. There are almost no days off. Women need to be reminded what we bring to the table and lift each other up along the way.
My book will help many women of color step into their true beauty and understand that we all have our own beautiful features that we have been born with. It doesn’t matter what that may be that is your super power.

You can find me at:
@Aquira.Greene on Instagram
Aquira Greene on Facebook
AquiraGreene on Twitter

Martine Quigley, Founder of Happy Yoga Inc.

                 Happy Yoga, Inc was officially founded in 2012 with the sole purpose of uplifting my clients primarily through yoga, pranayama, and meditation. In addition I also offer mat pilates and personal training sessions, but my focus and passion lies in yoga. My husband and I did the Transcendental Meditation course in 2008 and have been meditating twice a day since. Doing that kind of internal investigation really began to open my eyes (subtly at first) to how I could of service to others. I began with my pilates certification in 2010 and then 2 years later I was certified to teach yoga. In order to expand my reach I also became a certified personal trainer so that I could leave the world of medical billing (one of my many different careers prior to Happy Yoga) and focus solely on my own business of teaching classes, private, and semi-private sessions. What I bring to my sessions and classes are so much more than the physical, my passion, love for other beings, sense of humor, ability to listen and be there for others, and open heart all come with the package.

Health and wellness has always been a passion of mine and I wanted to share it's benefits with others.  Through yoga and meditation I aim to have my clients feel the openness, expansion, relief, and release that goes along with the practice, it is truly an uplifting feeling and I know they have found it when they come out of a savasana looking so much more relaxed and unattached then when I first walked in. I also love seeing them discover new things about their bodies and their abilities, it's amazingly rewarding and heart warming.

Women are so smart, we're not just intelligent, but we're emotionally intelligent as well.  We also have a higher pain threshold than men!  There is nothing, no other cause that gets me more excited or revved up than supporting women. We are powerful beings and we need to be supported and support one another in this world and that is always my intention through my teachings. Last year I completed my prenatal yoga certification at the Prenatal Yoga Center. It was one of the most empowering experiences. The clear support, love, and enthusiasm for women giving life, educating them on their choices, and helping them discover what's good for their bodies, I am excited to be a part of that community. It's a great time to be a woman, we are seeing a shift happen in politics, in Hollywood, in business, it's exciting!

Happy Yoga, Inc is not just about teaching people to look like Yoga Journal. So many yogis out there post beautiful photos of themselves doing poses that most people may not be able to do.  The goal of my company is to make yoga accessible to all and also to find your power through it. I have had people come to me in the beginner classes saying that they were afraid to try to yoga because they're not flexible enough, or this and that, I am part of the movement that wants to show people that just like anything, with patience and commitment you can physically open the body and also discover a mental and emotional release which will help people not be slaves to the hamster wheel of their thoughts but instead be able to be unattached and shift their perspectives with ease!

Here's my links:

In conclusion, I would like to thank you beautiful ladies for being apart of this blog. You all inspire me to keep growing to become the best me I can be. I hope this inspires all women of all ethnicity's, cultures, and backgrounds to come together and realize how strong we are and can become. Lets continue to support each other. I will end this statement with one of my favorite quotes which keeps me going, "A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE HAS THE COURAGE TO OVERCOME TOUGH TIMES IN HER LIFE AND PURSUE HER GOALS BECAUSE SHE STANDS FOR WHAT SHE BELIEVES IN AND NEVER GIVES UP ON HER VALUES OR VIRTUES!

*Don't forget to check out our Facebook page for daily tips and videos*

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How To Conquer Your Biggest Fears

Hello Ladies, and Happy 2016....We are all afraid of something. It could be the dark, never finding love, death, disease or even success. And its likely that our fears play a huge role in our lives. They hold us back, they keep us from exciting opportunities and personal growth. I'm doing this blog because its a New Year and its time to make a pact to not let another year go by without facing and conquering your fears ladies. You can do it with these 5 easy steps:

Journal Your Fears

          Put your fears down on paper if you aren’t comfortable talking them out with a friend. Write everything you can about them. What are they? How big do they feel? How do they make you feel? How long have you had them? What have they been keeping you from accomplishing? In a perfect world, what would your life be like if you didn’t have these fears? Why do you think you have these fears in the first place? It’s important to explore all aspects of your fears. Get to know them. They’re the enemy, and you can’t conquer an enemy if you know very little about it.

Make A Plan

        Now that you know the ins and outs of your fears, it’s time to make your plan of attack. Conquering a fear is like any other goal—it seems less overwhelming if you take small steps to achieve the desired outcome. Think about what you can do day-to-day. Think about small, actionable tasks that will get you closer to a more fearless life. Make a list and work towards completing a step every day. Every completed task will build your confidence.

Think About The Day After

         When you hit a roadblock (and chances are, you will), it’s easy to give up and retreat. Don’t do that. Instead, think about the day after you reach your goal of conquering your fears. What is that going to feel like for you? Amazing! Liberating! Enlightening! Empowering! Those are the feelings you need to focus on.

Get Some Help

         You don’t have to conquer your fears alone if you don’t want to. Enlist the help of friends, family, coworkers or a partner—whoever you think would provide a good support system. They’ll also hold you accountable. And chances are they have have some fears of their own they’d like to conquer. You can help support them along their journey, while they work to support you!

So there you go...Lets start to work on conquering and facing our fears...we all have been put on this earth for a divine purpose. Don't let fear hold you back from your true calling. 

Here's to a new, fearless you in 2016!

*For those in the NYC area please look out for an event coming soon check flyer below....also don't forget to check us out on Facebook for daily tips and information on Health, Wellness, Hair Care, and being beautiful inside and out*

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How A Bad Relationship Makes You Become a Better Person

Good day ladies, for those going through or know someone going through a difficult relationships or bad breakup this is for you. I came across this article and felt the need to share this information. As women we tend to take on so much, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Growing as an individual makes you become the person you were meant to be. This saying "What doesn't kill you, Makes you Stronger" speaks for itself, and whats most important is when you experience a bad relationship, you learn from the mistakes you made before. Below is some very helpful and important information...Enjoy!

A Bad Relationship Makes You Thrive
You could kick yourself for getting involved and staying in that bad relationship, couldn’t you? But before you get too down on yourself, there are actually a lot of positive things that can come out of this negative situation. Here are the top eight reasons why being in a bad relationship makes you a better person.

  • Your In Better Company Now
 It's a shame that we don't enjoy our own great company as often as we should. And if you have been stuck in a bad relationship, you’ve been hanging out with the worst company of all. You need someone who will accept your flaws, appreciate your kooky sense of humor and love you for who you are. Hopefully, you know at least one person like that? Well, of course you do … it’s you!
  • Your A Ball of Creative Energy
Some of the world’s greatest works of art have come from the creative energy behind a tumultuous experience in someone’s life. There are a lot of strong emotions released at the end of a bad relationship, and if you can channel them in the right directions you can accomplish some pretty fantastic and creative things.
  • You Have the Opportunity To Rediscover Yourself
One of the marks of a bad relationship is losing your original purpose. Sometimes a bad relationship can take so much energy to maintain, you lose a part of yourself with the effort. However, now that you’re single you have the opportunity to reacquaint yourself with any long-forgotten dreams, goals and aspirations. Take full advantage of this.
  • You've Proven What You Don't Want
The fact that you can recognize and admit you’ve had a bad relationship is the first step to finding true love. There are those who find themselves in the trap where they assume it is better to be in a bad relationship than to be alone. But in order to find a better companion, you need to accept that your own good company is better than somebody else’s bad company. It is true that it may take quite a while to find your soulmate, but you’ll miss them if you spend the majority of your time hopping from one bad relationship to another. Take what you’ve learned from this bad experience, raise the bar a couple notches and look for someone who makes you feel good.
  • You'll Better Appreciate A Keeper
Without some bad in the world, we would never know what was good. The people who find their soulmate right off the bat may have a rougher road ahead because they may find themselves one day wondering if things could have been better. I’m sure you may know a few people who are like this. Consider yourself blessed, as your chances of maintaining a great relationship are much higher now that you’ve learned the difference between a person worth keeping and a person worth tossing aside.
  • You Can Strengthen Your Support System
t is never good to be the one crying wolf, but a crisis can rebuild lost ties with both friends and loved ones. Take this time to forgive any small disagreements that may be holding you back from asking for help from others. People who face the pain of a bad relationship on their own may seem strong as they develop ways to mask the pain, but those who utilize a support system heal quicker and have an easier time learning from their mistakes.
  • Your The Queen of Compromise
Negotiating heated emotions is a technique that is best learned after being thrown into the lion’s den of a bad relationship and forced to cope and adapt. In many ways, a bad relationship puts you at an advantage because it can teach skills that will help you become a better partner in the future. These coping skills will be just what you need to make a good relationship last a lifetime.
  • This Experience With Help Others
When we have a bad experience, we are often drawn to people who have experienced a similar challenge. These people have the ability to make us feel comforted and understood. Though these moments are painful, what you discover will enable you to one day comfort a friend and help them see how experiencing a bad relationship will also make them a better person.

The beauty I see from being in a Bad Relationship is the aftermath.... You become a stronger individual and you exit that relationship knowing what you DON'T WANT.  Always remember to love yourself and put your well being first and foremost. These are steps towards self love and also understanding what your heart wants. Until next time ladies.....

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My Top GO-TO Protective Styles and Hair I Use/ Plus Big Chop Update!

Good day ladies, today I would like to share my top go-to protective styles and the hair that I use for these styles. For those who are not aware, protective styling is great when you want to let your hair grow, get a break from your daily hair routine, protect your hair from harsh weather,  less maintenance, or when you just want to give your hair a break. I have been doing protective styling a lot since the beginning of this year. I did my third big chop October 2014. Because of the winter season approaching I decided to start protective styling to start my new hair growth journey. There are many protective styles our there to choose from, but these styles below are my absolute favorite and easy to do.....check them out!

Havana Twists

               I'm a true lover of big twists/hair and if you are you'll love Havana twists. These twists are thick and chunky looking but very light weight depending on which type of hair you use. The method to installing havana twists is quite simple you can do it yourself. For Havana Twists my hair of choice is Cuban Twist Hair from Shake-n-Go. This hair was made in heaven. Not only is this hair chunky and perfect for havana twist...its very light weight. For my havana twist I use two strands of hair and do my twist big. The packs come with a handful of hair...wish it came with more. At my local beauty supply store its $5.99 per pack. This hair comes in 12 and 16 inches and 6 different colors.


Marley Twists

              Now Marley twists are similar to Havana twist but are smaller in size. Marley twist has a similar look to havana twists and can be done using the same method for installation. There are so many styles to do with your Marley twists. Done correctly it will last you 4-12 weeks for protective styling. My go-to hair form Marley twists is the Marley Braid Hair also by Shake n Go. This hair doesn't have a smell, easy to wash, and easy to separate into smaller hair pieces if necessary. This hair also comes in 12 and 16 inches, 6 different colors to choose from, and is also $5.99 per pack.

Senegalese Twists

             Senegalese twists are also awesome for styling. With these twists I love to curl the ends with perm rods for a natural twist look. These twist can be done thin or thick. Also plenty of different styles you can do with senegalese twists. My go-to hair for these twist is Afro Twist Braid from Janet Collection. This hair is great....very soft, easy to separate, doesn't have a smell. I was able to get this hair in 20 inches of length at my local beauty supply store. Because of the length it was $9.99 per pack. One warning with this hair, once it has been dipped in hot water it won't revert back to it's regular form.


Faux Locs

                      When I first saw this style I fell in love. I first tried this protective style early 2014 when I had my sides shaved. This style is awesome but comes with a price. It takes what seems like forever to achieve this style. The wrapping over your hair or twists takes up time. Recently I done this style for my baby shower and it took me 5 hours and I did mine big. So if you want medium to small faux locs be prepared for a long day of twisting a wrapping. I don't do this style as often as I like to due to the time it takes, this style can last up to 4-8 weeks or more if you like. It might be on the heavy side depending on how big or thick you want it and because of the extra hair. I love the fact that you can mesh different color hair well with this style. My go-to hair to for this protective style is also the Shake N Go Marley Braid Hair. Due to the wrapping process you will need extra hair....I brought 7 packs for mine.


So there you go ladies...four great styles to choose from. The hairs listed are sold in your local beauty supply stores or online. I wash and reuse hair that I do these styles with so it is cost effective for my pockets. There are plenty of videos on You tube to learn how to achieve each style. Remember these are only a few. You have more protective styling such as crochet braids, box braids, weaves and more....Good luck Ladies!

My Big Chop Update
                        Here is a peak of my growth progress since my third big chop back in October 2014...I must say doing protective styling has aided in my hair growth due to less manipulation to my hair throughout this process. I have just been letting it grow!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Postpartum Recovery/Weight Loss Tips For Cesarean Moms

Good day ladies, today I want to share with you my postpartum recovery experience on how and what I've done to make this postpartum period as smooth as possible. Having a Cesarean(C-Section) procedure is a major surgery that takes a huge toll on the body. I recently had a C-section procedure done for my third child on June 22nd. This time around I made sure I was prepared so I wouldn't go through a uncomfortable or painful experience like most post C-sections moms go through and that I have experienced myself in the past. Below are some tips that helped me along this smooth road to Postpartum recovery for the first 6 weeks.

                                               left picture at 38 weeks, right picture 5 weeks postpartum

Belly Binding
          So I was really skeptical about Belly Binding because for my first two C-sections I felt very
uncomfortable having my belly binded especially after surgery and feeling the pain I felt. For my previous cesareans I used the belly binder that was given at the hospital. So this time around I did research to find something that would be more comfortable and support my recovery. I came across and item called the C-Panty. Its specifically made for C-sections moms for post recovery.My experience with this so far has been wonderful. It has medium compression and is high waist to slim your post baby belly so you will not feel uncomfortable or as if you can't breath. It also has a silicone panel rite over the incision area to promote healing, reduce redness, and itching. This was the best investment ever so ladies I truly recommend buying this product. You will not be disappointed.


             Breastfeeding is not only excellent for baby but is also excellent for mommy. Many moms may not know that Breastfeeding actually contracts the uterus, which will help your uterus shrink back to its normal size. Every time I breastfed or pumped I could feel the contractions and noticed day by day my post baby belly going down in size. Breastfeeding can also burn anywhere from 250-500 calories a day. So I encourage all my moms to breastfeed. Give your babies the natural nutrients he or she needs and also help your body heal faster. It's beneficial for both mommy and baby!

Eating Well

              The nutrients you put in your body postpartum is very important. Not only for mommy but for baby as well as for my breastfeeding mothers. If your breastfeeding your baby you need to make sure you still consume 200-300 more calories in your diet daily. Avoid Junk Food and unhealthy fats and drinks. My diet consists of Lean Proteins such as fish high in protein or lean chicken breast and lots of  veggies. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Also consume healthy fats such as avocado es, nuts and healthy carbs like sweet potatoes. You want to make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals to help aide in healing and getting your post baby weight down.


            Many underestimate the benefits of walking. It is an excellent cardio and fat burner. During the first week or two it might be difficult to move around. Remember that your just had a major surgery so you want to take it easy. When you feel like you can start walking, try walking around the house, if the weather permits you can mildly take a walk around the block or at the park or even to the store. Walking will help aide in  weight loss by burning calories, give you more energy and even speed up your metabolism. Once you get going you will notice that your body will feel and move more efficiently and you will want to stay more active. An added plus is that baby can come along with you in the stroller.


         I decided to do a detox week 4 postpartum. I did a 3 day juice cleanse detox that consisted of juicing and eating clean. This detox is perfectly safe for moms who are breastfeeding. As long as you stay hydrated and follow this detox correctly it will not affect your breast milk supply. I recommend using all organic fruits and veggies, plus adding a little lemon juice to your water for added cleansing. Please see detox information below.

Give Yourself Time To Heal

              Having a baby takes a major toll physically, mentally, and emotionally. From my past experiences its not easy having to care for a newborn and also taking care of yourself especially after such a major procedure. Other helpful tips for all my moms out there you should: always make sure you listen to your body. If you feel exhausted or in pain, take a rest. Sleep when the baby sleeps so you won't be so tired. Come up with a routine for feedings, pumping, cleaning bottles, etc. Have a support system. Let family and friends help you out. For example chores around the house, babysitting if you have other kids, also older siblings can help you out with the baby or around the house. Please note that you must always consult with your doctor before doing anything while in your postpartum recovery stage. Also remember that it took nine months for you to gain 30-50 lbs so it will take some time to loss as well. So don't become obsessed with losing weight. Also note that these tips have worked for me and that every one's body will heal differently and at a different pace. I hope these tips were helpful and I wish all my moms-to-be the best of luck and Congratulations on your new bundle of Joy!

*Please don't forget to check out our Facebook Page for daily health, hair and wellness tips* 

Monday, November 3, 2014

My Top Natural Hair Products for 2014(Review)

Good Day and Happy Monday ladies....for today's blog I will give you all my top favorite Natural Hair Products that I have been using this year. These products have strengthen, moisturized, cleansed, styled, and helped with hair growth as well. These products have not only been used for my hair, but also for my children's hair as well. I always look for best bank for buck, so these products won't break your pockets. I will also list the Pros and Cons of each product that I have experienced. So lets get started.....

Organix's Moroccan Argan Creme Shampoo

If you want extra moisture in a shampoo, this is your best pick. Not only does this shampoo cleanse the hair well but leaves your hair with added moisture. It doesn't leave your hair dry or feeling rough like most shampoos tend to do. The smell is heavenly and you don't have to use much. About a quarter size is good enough for a great wash.


  • Adds excellent moisture to your hair
  • Under $10 bucks
  • Sold in most stores
  • Paraben and Sulfate free
  • Unfortunately in stores they don't sell the 25.4fl oz which will of course last longer. Only seen the 13fl oz sold in stores.

As I Am Coconut Co Wash Cleansing Conditioner

God was listening to use naturals when this product was created. Best natural hair product ever. For you naturals who change your styles frequently or workout every day this product is for you. It smells awesome and this product both cleanses and conditions the hair at one time. Leaves your hair feeling extra soft and clean.


  • Consistency of this product is great.
  • All natural ingredients
  • Sold in most local stores

  • No cons really, just wish it came in a bigger size :(

As I Am Leave-In-Conditioner

So as you can see I have more than one product from the same company. Yes this leave in conditioner is great. Its light weight, leaves no residue, and smells awesome. As you can see my bottle is pretty worn out because I have had it for about a year. Yes that's how long it last me. I only use about a quarter size for my hair whether I wash and condition or cowash my hair. 

  • Long lasting 
  • Leaves no residue in hair
  • Light weight product
  • Paraben Free


Curl Prep's Sweet Buttah

For my ladies that complain about dry hair, or you want a more define twist out with added moisture, without Shrinkage...this product is for you. This product I bought at a natural hair show and since then I have been using it for my hair. The smell is great but the beauty of this product is the moisture and how it defines your curls. It caters to wash n gos, wet twist outs, dry twist outs, and also locs. 

  • Holds moisture in hair
  • Defines curls beautifully 
  • All natural ingredients

  • Product is not sold in can purchase this product online at

Eco Styler Gel

So this gel is like the best hair gel on earth. This is the only gel that I can put in my hair that doesn't leave residue, doesn't look hard or crunchy, and that can hold. For my wash n go ladies to the ladies that want that high bun hold, to my ladies that want to slick down them sides, this product is for you. I also use this product for my daughter's locs. Best Hair Gel Ever.


  • Comes in Argan Oil, and Aloe 
  • Product comes in a large amount for cheap
  • For all Hair types
  • Has great Hold

DIY Homemade Moisturizer and Leave In Conditioner

For those who rather DIY here is a recipe that I have been using which has all natural ingredients and has added luster, moisture, strength, and length to my hair. All you need is an electronic mixer, bowl, and a jar.


  • Raw shea butter 1 cup
  • raw mango butter 2/3 cup
  • aloe vera gel(homemade) 3 tablespoon
  • organic coconut oil 1/4 cup
  • jojoba oil 10 drops
  • tea tree oil 10 drops
  • Any scent of your preference

This product is great and you don't need to use much. This can also be used as a scalp moisturizer. This is also excellent for retaining moisture in protective styling such as braids, marley twists, crochet braids, etc. 

So ladies these are my top favorite that I've used for 2014. These products are also some of the top products in the Natural Hair industry. Give them a try and you will see why. Until next time...

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Wonderful Benefits of Frankincense

Good day ladies, today I would like to bring you some amazing information on this herbal plant that is used for many things such as healing the body and mind. Stay tuned.......


Frankincense is known as an aromatic resin and also as an essential oil. Frankincense comes from the trees of Boswellia in Somalia. This herbal plant has been around for centuries and the uses for Frankincense are so beneficial and amazing. Frankincense is also used in incenses and perfumes. Another word for Frankincense is Olibanum. As soon as you smell the warm rich, sweet woody scent of Frankincense, its easy to understand how special this plant truly. Both as a resin or essential oil, frankincense is opening and relaxing for both the body and mind.


  • Anti-septic
  • Disinfectant
  • Carminative(helps relieve gas)
  • Cicatrisant( helps heal scar tissue)
  • Cytophylactic( helps with skin care and aging)
  • Helps the Digestive System
  • Diuretic( helps with unneeded  water in the body)
  • Emenagogue( helps with blood flow in pelvic area and uterus)
  • Expectorant
  • Sedative
  • Tonic
  • Vulnerary( helps with healing wounds)


Frankincense has plenty of uses.

Fundamentally, it promotes calmness, serenity and relaxation. These indications will always be present, no matter how frankincense is used, and for what its used for.

Skin Care

Frankincense essential oil is great for skin care and nearly everything related to skin; burns, rashes, cuts, scrapes, and oozing sores. It’s also fabulous for mature, prematurely aging, and environmentally challenged skin. Feel free to add a few drops to your liquid soaps, daily lotions, or shower gels. Also if you make your own body butters or creams you can add a few drops of frankincense. It can also be used as a toner or refresher when mixed with pure water.

In The Shower

Just add a few drops to your washcloth and run it over yourself during your final (hot water) rinse. The steam will infuse with frankincense and you will enjoy a quick and intense frankincense steam bath. refreshing and relaxing at the same time!

As a Facial Steam

Frankincense is a great mini-facial. Just take a pot or pan of boiling water, add a drop or two (no more) frankincense oil to it. Lean over it and cover your head with a towel, breathing deeply.  You can also try one drop frankincense and one drop lavender.

For Lung Support & During Yoga

The best ways are by inhalation, or massage of head and neck, breathing in deeply. You can even just put a few drops in your palm, rub your hands together, and breathe the oil directly from them. This is great to do before or after yoga, particularly during pranayama. The experience will calm you, centering your energy and elevate your spirit even as it connects you to the earth. You will be able to give more presence to your yoga practice, and concentrate more fully on your breathing through each asana.


It’s the same as listed above. Whether your meditation is sitting, standing, walking, yogic or even very active, such as martial arts, frankincense will enable you to deepen the experience and aid your focus so that you benefit as much as possible from your practice, whatever it is. Just take a few drops on your palms, rub them together, breathe in deeply, and enjoy.

Joint and Muscle Pain

Frankincense can help both of these conditions. Just add it to your mix of oils, and that mix will depend on what you are mixing for. If you are a beginner mixing for yourself, consult an aromatherapy book, or have your blend done professionally. The practical application of this will depend on where you live. Frankincense will always be a valuable addition to your blend. In addition to its anti-inflammatory property, it will calm, soothe and relax you. 

Eating It

As far as eating Frankincense there are stores online that sell the Frankincense Raw Powder. Check out this website for more information:


My Uses for Frankincense
As you can see Frankincense can be used in many different ways and has so many benefits. I have been currently using Frankincence essential oil for my body and also for aromatherapy. I have added Frankincense oil to my homemade body butter. I have also use Frankincense during my Kundalini Yoga sessions and during mediation. So far I love it and I will keep using it. As far as my aromatherapy use I purchased some Frankincense oil from the Vitamin Shoppe. I use a Tealight Oil Warmer...see the pictures below. Then I got the Frankincense essential oil off of which I use for my body butter. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below. Hope you enjoyed this blog!

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